40 Lessons at 40

Are you a list maker?

I have found that making a list is a great way to work through a topic or challenge. But have you ever tried pushing past the ideas that come quickly and easily? Sure, making a list of 5 is easy, 10 makes you think a little harder, but what about 40 or 50? Now you’re really digging deep!

Back when I turned 40, I thought it was a good time to reflect on some of the things I had learned so far. I recently came across the list…so here are 40 lessons I think might be worth sharing:

  1. Being your true and authentic self — at all times, in all situations — can be difficult. I believe it is the only way to live a full and abundant life.

  2. It isn’t always easy or popular to be yourself, but looking back it has always been the best choice in the end.

  3. If you don’t have control over it, and you don’t need to have control over it, you’ve got to let it go.

  4. I’d rather be surrounded by a small, intimate group of people who know and love me for who I am…than be accepted or celebrated by a large group of people for who they think I am.

  5. A glass of bourbon and good conversation around a fire can solve most of the world’s problems.

  6. It is ok to be relentlessly optimistic as you navigate the waters of life.

  7. Optimism paired with a healthy dose of realism, plus a pinch of creativity is a magical and powerful recipe.

  8. Whatever you’re going through, someone else has had it worse…and they probably survived.

  9. Whatever you’re going through, a lot of people have it better than you…and they probably take too much in life for granted.

  10. Approach each person you encounter, at every moment of the day, as an opportunity to be the brightest light in their day. You never know what a kind word or simple smile will do for that person.

  11. It can be scary to embrace the sadness that lives inside of you. But I’ve learned if done with healthy limits, depression is part of what allows me to be a compassionate and creative individual. Just make sure you never let the sadness take over.

  12. Never be afraid to look foolish or silly, there’s no better sound than laughter…even if it might be headed in your direction.

  13. Take chances, the known is so predictable and boring.

  14. Sometimes a moment of silent reflection is the best answer.

  15. Connecting with someone, and letting them know they’ve been heard can be the most healing or validating gift you can give.

  16. Thoughtless or careless words can be the sharpest knife, be careful — some wounds cannot be healed.

  17. Each of us has the power to be the best or worst part of someone else’s day.

  18. Listen to that quiet voice inside of you, it will almost certainly lead you down the correct path. Act upon it in the moment, your inner-self doesn’t know the word “later”.

  19. Follow through on your word. You can spend a lifetime building a positive reputation and then lose it in a moment.

  20. Anxiety is a cunning beast. Panic attacks and worry eventually subside. Looking back, nothing has ever ended up as bad as my mind was building it up to be.

  21. It can be paralyzing to weigh the options when they’re all good ones. If you’re blessed enough to find yourself in this situation, just chose one and go for it wholeheartedly. If they’re all good, you literally can't make a bad decision!

  22. You can only give so much of yourself to others without giving a healthy portion of love back to yourself in order to refuel your resources. You’re no good to yourself or others if you’re running on empty all the time.

  23. Sometimes saying no — or at least not right now — is the best, and perfectly acceptable answer.

  24. It is ok to admit when you don’t know something. Learn from those around you. Finding the answers is a part of growing.

  25. There are few greater pleasures than a delicious meal shared around a table with those you love.

  26. Photographs can capture a moment, but being present is the only way to truly capture the memory.

  27. Approaching each situation from a place of compassion is always a wonderful place to start.

  28. Courage comes in many forms, sometimes as a big and obvious roar — other times a quiet, subtle whisper.

  29. When we experience great loss, the tremendous pain and emptiness can feel like it will kill us. Without knowing such experiences, we cannot know the true, beautiful glory of love and happiness.

  30. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be right now. You have enough. You are enough.

  31. I am not in control of my destiny. When I trust God’s plan, and open myself to His quiet guidance, I am rewarded with a bounty of glorious blessings.

  32. Some people are only meant to be in your life for a moment, others a lifetime. Saying goodbye does not in any way diminish the love you have for them. They are forever a part of the roadmap of your journey.

  33. If you’re lucky enough to find the love of your life, make every decision with them in your heart. Live your life for them, serve them, protect them…and then trust they will do the same for you.

  34. Vanilla ice cream is always better than chocolate, don’t even question it.

  35. I will never have all the answers, but I’ll never stop trying to learn.

  36. Four paws and a wet nose can help you get through almost anything.

  37. If you never put yourself out there, risking failure…you’ll never know what you’re capable of.

  38. Always assume best intent.

  39. Sometimes I wish I tried to be as kind to myself as I try to be to everyone I meet.

  40. I will always try to make the most of each moment, being present without judgement. Every moment is a gift not to be wasted, for eventually, the moments run out.

What are you working through that could use a list? Have you used this technique in the past? Please share in the comments below!

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